Ohio-West Virginia AFSCME Retiree Chapter 1184


OHIO - https://voterlookup.ohiosos.gov/voterlookup.aspx

WEST VIRGINIA - https://apps.sos.wv.gov/Elections/Voter/FindMyPollingPlace

SERS - Retiree Board Member Frank Weglarz - Up for Re-election 

National AFSCME Retirees News

AFSCME Retirees have been working hard on the Postcard Campaign

AFSCME Retirees from the Akron Sub Chapter 116 have been hard at work getting post cards out for the Harris-Walz campaign.  To date we have completed 4500 cards and counting.

Protect your pension and benefits by joining Ohio-West Virginia AFSCME Retirees today!

Ohio-West Virginia AFSCME Retiree Chapter 1184 is leading the charge to protect our retirement security from politicians in Columbus, Charleston, and across the country who threaten it every day.

Your pension and state benefits are the bedrock of your retirement security. A strong pension along with Social Security and Medicare allow us to retire with dignity and peace of mind. By becoming a member for just $36 a year, you can help us stand up against these attacks and ensure that we have a dignified and secure retirement.

In your working life, you had a strong union -- AFSCME. Now, let AFSCME Retirees be your retirement union.

The Government Pension Offset (GPO) and the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) have been unfairly impacting the Social Security benefits of some public service retirees. Because of GPO-WEP, 25% of public service retirees see cuts to their Social Security due to other earnings or pensions. Some retirees have even had their Social Security benefits cut to zero.

We won't stand for cuts to Social Security for anyone. Send a letter to your members of Congress and tell them to fully repeal GPO-WEP.

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